Blogs > What Do I Need To Run a Consumer Promotion?
March 2, 2021 Vanessa Niragira
This section is easy, what you need is RAVEN5 of course! Ok ok, we’re kidding, kinda (but not really, let us know if you need help with planning, execution, or post-campaign marketing). Let’s run through the checklist of what you’ll need, shall we?
We’ve discussed each topic except for maybe patience, so let’s get into that! You need to be ok with the fact that your consumer promotion might not do well. Hard pill to swallow we know, but it’s ok because you have no choice but to learn from that situation! I suppose you could just give up, but uhh… we don’t relate to quitters.
Marketing, like most things in the real world, isn’t an “if you build it, they will come” type deal. Sure you got your brother’s cousin’s step-daughter to whip up a nice page with a few animations of cats shooting lasers from their eyes on Wix with a basic entry form. So what? Nobody knows about your cool page. Nobody. Your fancy page won’t have any traffic unless you send folks there. You might want to circle back to time and money and ensure that you set aside enough to promote your promotion! You know, email, social media, search and display ads, public relations, events… the list goes on. Even though patience is a virtue, you might still consider running your campaign for a longer time period in order to build momentum.
Also, keep in mind that social sharing can help you reach more individuals that share the same likes and values as your current customers. Consider adding a social sharing element to your consumer promotion to get your message out to a larger audience, in fact, you may even gain some new brand advocates along the way. So you need to understand that it might go as planned, but that being said you can’t just treat this like a “little promotion thingy”. Yes, it can be fun to think of but it’s going to take a lot off your time and energy so be ready to work! Or, better yet, just call those guys (and gals) who do this for a living… what’s their name again…? Oh right, that’s us. RAVEN5.
Alright Alright Alri… sorry, let’s move onto Legal Considerations. To find all of our consumer promotions blogs, you can take a look here!
Vanessa Niragira, Oakville ON, March 2021
Vanessa Niragira, March 2021