Blogs > The New and Improved AccuWeather
March 6, 2014 Patricia Ferreria
AccuWeather has just launched a new and improved version of itself yesterday and it has already proven to be more useful than Dark Sky and Yahoo Weather, which are two of the most popular and useful weather apps available for smartphones. When building weather apps, most designers struggle to build something that is visually appealing and useful to the consumer. On the contrary AccuWeather has proven to have succeeded at both these things compared to the other apps out there.
According to the article “AccuWeather’s revamped App is the Perfect Blend of Utility and Beauty” the app was known for being more of a utilitarian app, which isn’t a bad thing considering it has always offered its users a wealth of meteorological information. The only problem with the app was that it was stuck inside of a somewhat pedestrian interface. The new and revamped version of the app doesn’t sacrifice its functionality to achieve the new minimalist look, which is why it is better than Dark Sky and Yahoo Weather.
The new look has made AccuWeather more versatile and has given it an edge that other weather apps don’t have. The marquee addition to the app is MiniuteCast, which gives users a minute-by-minute rundown about what the weather will be like for the next two hours. How amazing is that?
So does this mean the technologically advanced of the human race don’t have to turn on the TV to get an incorrect weather forecast? That might have been a little insensitive on my part, but how many times has the weather forecaster done you wrong? How many times has he or she lied to you because they told you it was going to be sunny, so you end up wearing shorts and a t-shirt and end up freezing your butt off? And why? All because Mr. Weatherman told you it would be nice out today. The weatherman has deceived us all and it’s about time we all heard the truth about the weather. Finally, we have an app that can give us minute-to-minute updates through our day; it’s something that we all can find useful.
So thanks AccuWeather you have saved us all from possible heatstroke’s, severe frostbite, and saved us from getting terribly drenched from the rain. An app that is a hero to us all!
Patricia Ferreira, Raven5 Ltd, Oakville, Ontario March 2014.
Patricia Ferreria, March 2014