Blogs > The Beer that has Everyone Talking
March 7, 2014 Patricia Ferreria
Have you ever been in a bar and found that the cute girl or boy you’re trying to pick up is face deep in their phone? Yeah, it happens a lot nowadays doesn’t it? What happened to casual conversation that didn’t involve our phones? Every time something hilarious or embarrassing happens to one of our friends we feel the need to document it and share it with the rest of the world.
Hey, maybe I’m being a hypocrite because I’ve done it, but haven’t we all? Instead of living in the moment and creating memories with friends we have been posting pictures on Instagram hashtagging things like: #selfie and updating people on what our #ootd (outfit of the day for those of you who aren’t familiar with new age acronyms) is. And bragging about the so-called crazy night we had at the bar. Sounds like tons of fun guys, and we can’t deny the fact that this has become a routine or tradition every time we go out. How sad is it that this is what social media has done to us.
Don’t get me wrong I love using Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram and we can’t deny that it has done great things for Advertising and Marketing because of it’s cost efficiency and ability to spread news quickly to consumers. But the question still remains how do we moderate people’s cell phone usage at bars without pissing them off? Well, Polar Beer has come up with a way to do just that.
Polar Beer, which is only sold in one state in Brazil, has revolutionized a way to solve the problem of smartphones at the bar. How have they solved this worldwide problem? Well, the answer is simple they used technology vs. technology. They created a Polar Beer nullifier that blocks all cell phone signal within a five-foot radius of the beer cooler. This impacted 250 million people and it gained over 5 million in spontaneous media. The Polar beer nullifier was made to promote the beer and mainly to disseminate the idea that when there is a Polar Beer on the table and when friends are joined together there is nothing more important than that.
The Polar Beer Nullifier is a smart way of modifying the use of social media and smartphones without having to completely give it up.
Patricia Ferreira, Raven5 Ltd, Oakville, Ontario March 2014.
Patricia Ferreria, March 2014