Blogs > Thank Us Later – Top Three Online Charity Raffle Idea to Raise Funds for Your Charity organization
February 9, 2022 RAVEN5
It’s time to think about what kind of charity raffle you want to hold. Sorry, did you forget that you can run several different types of charity raffles? Um, yeah, don’t be boring! Here at RAVEN5, we like to create unique and exciting ways to help your organization succeed in running a successful fundraiser that is readily available at the tip of your fingertip (of course to those of age). So put those bowls away, and let’s look at the top three (3) electronic charity raffles that your organization can host.
If you’ve been watching sports lately, you’ve probably seen advertisements for a Catch The Ace raffle. Sports announcers repeatedly mention that the next draw is only 30 minutes away, only to return an hour later to inform you that the next draw will open in 10 minutes.
Ladies and gentlemen, please allow me to introduce you to the Catch The Ace raffle.
This progressive raffle is a multiple draw game in which players buy tickets for a chance to win. It’s a little like a 50/50 raffle, but with a different prize structure:
Participants can visit the catch the ace raffle domain 24/7 (or until someone finally catches the ace and takes it all). Once they arrive at the landing page of the charity raffle, they will be able to see how large the weekly raffle has grown and the jacket pot prize, watching the number grow each time another participant makes a donation to be a part of the draw. This type of raffle will have your participants itching to win that final jacket. Heck, winning the weekly prizes sounds good to me too.
Next on my list is the reverse raffle. This raffle style takes the concept of a traditional raffle, puts it in reverse, and builds the most anticipation. Yup, that’s correct. You win the raffle if you are the last man or woman standing. To run a virtual reverse raffle, you will need to sell tickets before the planned start date of the draw. On the day of the set start date, the elimination process begins. Keep in mind that if you decide to hold this raffle, it is best to have multiple prizes of greater value. You’ll be able to sell more tickets (at a higher price) because ticket buyers will want to stay in the running throughout the raffle.
I know what you’re thinking: going through all those tickets will get boring, and people will lose interest. True, but the beauty of virtual raffles is that they can be spread out over several days until the final day of the raffle. Setting the elimination process to be spread out will keep participants on their toes as the anticipation grows to see if their ticket will make it to the end.
Another fun way to increase the number of funds you receive from this raffle is to include reentry tickets halfway through the raffle. Allowing a set number of people a limited window to reenter will keep your charity raffle hot and spicy until that final day.
This type of raffle may not make you the new owner of the Willy Wonka Chocolate Factory, but its winning prize sure is sweet. The Golden Ticket raffle is an exclusive high point raffle game that allows one winner the chance to win an exclusive prize or choose any prize they desire (if there are multiple prizes at your event) or presents them with the highest valued prize.
If you watched the classic “Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory,” you know the significant outcome of running a golden ticket raffle. The mere thought of winning will have your participants salivating for a chance to win the grand prize.
In most cases, the Golden Ticket raffle works best at an in-person event hosting a silent auction, other traditional raffles, or a live auction. However, it is possible to hold it virtually. At the end of the online raffle, the participant with the winning number will be posted on the organization’s raffle web page and emailed. Or, organizers can set up their homepage so that participants can visit at any moment until the event ends and input their ticket number to check if it is the golden ticket.
I mean, it got Grandpa Joe out of bed for a golden ticket. This raffle will undoubtedly get those donations flowing.
And there you have it: three ideas for online raffles to take your fundraiser to the next level. There are other ways to run an online raffle, which is where RAVEN5 comes in. We can help you plan and execute the best raffle for your event. For more information, please visit
Want learn more about Charity Raffles! Check out Charity Raffle or Charity Sweepstake? and Raffles In Canada
RAVEN5, February 2022