Blogs > Social Media – Time to Connect?
June 23, 2011 Michael Bickerton
Business owners are slowly meandering their way through the shift from conventional to Internet marketing and social media. I used the term meandering as clearly the small to midsized business is really just starting to understand that a shift has taken place. If you haven’t really figured out a strategy, you need to, and we can help. It’s really time to connect.
I came across and article titled “What You Really Must Know to Succeed in Social Media Marketing” by J-P De Clerek, which influenced this post to you. The social media sphere is continuing to grow; both Facebook & Twitter are continuing their building process. There has been no slowdown in this change; in fact it just keeps getting better.
There are some great pointers in the article, twenty-five in fact, most of which I have presented to you in earlier blogs, as such, a great current summary and update. Those of our readers and clients appreciate that there has been a wholesale change in the way we communicate will appreciate the basics.
Here are what I consider the top ten terms in social media that need no explanation.
The goal has changed; people have influences and sources from everywhere. Conventional sources, radio, television and newspapers are in the decline yet still have relevance, and now we have email marketing, online advertising and social media. The goal needs to be building friendships and relationships with consumers.
How do you do this? Easy and straightforward, CONNECT; you need to ensure you are online, utilizing social media personally. Embrace what we call the big five, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Slideshare & YouTube. Your digital footprint will be made with or without your input! It’s time to connect.
Michael Bickerton, Raven5 Ltd, Toronto June 2011
Michael Bickerton, June 2011