Blogs > Referrals – Email, Social or Blogs
June 28, 2011 Michael Bickerton
We are often asked what is the most effective way to spread a marketing message? Email marketing, blogs and social media should all be utilized in building your brand awareness and marketing message (s). Referrals are a powerful tool in your message.
Fast Company recently published an article “Twitter Crushing Facebook’s Click – Through Rates: Report” which shows that each work in their own way. Interestingly enough, from a referral standpoint, email accounts for the largest segment of 55%, while social media accounts for 24% and blogs only 0.1%. Yet, based on CTR (click through rates), email accounts for 31%, social media 60% and blogs approximately 8%.
It seems that social media is easily the hands down winner when it comes to click through. We’d suggest since social media is personal, users are inclined to “CLICK”. The other notable issue as related to the article is that 78% of all sharing is done via Facebook.
Our Socialmc2 program validates this position, that if sharing is to occur, Facebook is the natural sharing tool for users. Yet if you tell a friend Email is the way to go. Building your opt-in email and improving your social currency requires a multi facetted approach.
Blogs get a significant click through rate while at the same time building your credibility and your reputation. The take away here is that you need to embrace email, social media and blogs in order to ensure you build you online presence.
Michael Bickerton, Raven5 Ltd, Toronto, June 2011
Michael Bickerton, June 2011