Blogs > Put it in Writing
August 14, 2010 Michael Bickerton
One of my clients came across an article titled “Put it in writing” in the Costco Connection July/August 2010 edition. It was suggested to me that this would make good “blog” material, and I believe that she was correct. Those of you who know my background will surely appreciate how close this issue is to my heart, yet have likely read my blog “What’s wrong with books”.
Tracey Schneider suggests that small business makes its mark with the printed word. “You need marketing collateral that you can leave behind.” is the sentiment conveyed in the article.
In general I do agree with the concept of having “leave behind” marketing materials, we currently use this process ourselves (as many of you would know). There are certain industries (MLM companies as an example) that require leave behind materials, and this isn’t likely to change in the near term. Yet, naturally we subscribe to the utilizing new media, (I’m assuming that goes without question).
Your customers are online, many are spending time on facebook, twitter, LinkedIn and YouTube, and so you must be there as well. As small business makes the transition to new media and as we speed through this process of change, as a digital agency, we recommend you review you business practices.
Understandably, budget impacts your decision-making, always difficult choices. Yet, we recommend that if possible, you provide your sales people with something to leave behind, and print fills that need.
Print is not longer king, but still has a place in the marketing mix.
Michael Bickerton, Raven5 Ltd, August 2010