Blogs > Mother’s Day
May 13, 2012 Michael Bickerton
Happy Mother’s Day! Today is one of the days least impacted by the ever-changing digital and social media era. It’s good to have one of these days.
Unlike our baby penguin and the original baby bird in P.D. Eastman’s “Are You My Mother”, we are in the know. And … if we’re not, it’s because we haven’t taken the time to find out. It’s our goal today to not only remind you that it’s Mother’s Day, but to remind you that things have in fact changed.
The world we live in is digital and getting more and more digital by the day. A good strategy can never be replaced – even on Mother’s Day! A personal visit, card, flowers, chocolates or maybe you can cut your mother’s lawn, take her out for brunch, lunch, dinner or all of the above. Yet, keep in mind that things have really changed – it’s a new world out there!
There are just so many ways to keep in touch. You can try the older ways, a card, a call, a newspaper ad, a personal visit and that is about it. Today we can add, well, let me count the ways, 1) email 2) text 3) card 4) tweet 5) Facebook post or pic 6) skype 7) AdWords ad 8) YouTube video or heck even 9) a blog post … and there are others.
Unlike baby bird, advertisers know who you are online. Not personally, but nonetheless, Advertisers and Marketers know who you are, where you came from, who referred you, and have ability to track you as well (cookies and re-targeting). I don’t want it too sound too much like “big brother”, yet, just like the “Snort” , this ability can be used to help you find your way and make your life somewhat better – just like baby bird finding its way home.
According to Wikipedia (that’s right, 10 new ways) a wiki post for Mom. Mothers day is embraced by many countries, by many cultures on many different days CLICK HERE for Mother’s Day Facts. I was quite surprised that this unofficial holiday is limited in available information, not much even on Google. Imagine that!
“Are You My Mother” certainly brings us to simpler times and yet, today is one of those days that are lucky enough to be unencumbered by the ever-changing digital and social landscape? Yet here we are!
Happy Mother’s Day, if you have a few minutes this is a great little video to share with young and old alike. “Are You My Mother?” A classic.
Michael Bickerton, Raven5 Ltd, Toronto, May 2012
Michael Bickerton, May 2012