Blogs > The Interactive Advertising Project Brief
September 23, 2010 Michael Bickerton
Let’s face it; in order to achieve our goals, we must have the desired result. There are lots of tools available to assist you in developing your program. At Ravent5 we are members of the Interactive Advertising Bureau of Canada (iab Canada). Being a member is very helpful to us in keeping us informed and involved with the interactive community. One of the basic tools that we use and encourage our clients to utilize is the “Interactive Advertising Project Brief”.
As your digital agency we recommend that our clients consider each of these items on a regular basis. Use this tool prior to implementing your next campaign. A good plan and brief is like a good map. Knowing where you are headed is the first step in getting there.
Michael Bickerton, Raven5 Ltd, September 2010
Michael Bickerton, September 2010