Blogs > Hire an Agency – Seen & Unforeseen Benefits
April 2, 2014 Michael Bickerton
Truly I’m amazed every day at the amount of information that comes my way on a daily basis. We get feeds from everywhere, email, social, Google, etc., and the list of providers is overwhelming. Why hire an agency?
Keep in mind there are also the conferences. I’m guessing I could spend my days traveling North America running from conference to conference. The amount of information available is, as noted above, overwhelming.
Given this as a starting place, you can appreciate that as a digital agency, with a team of digital professionals that at times we speak past our clients, not intentionally, but it’s part of the difficulty. Remember, we don’t know that much about your business, that’s your job, but we know lots about our business. Getting that flow of information takes time, you have to trust, you have rely on the digital team. It’s my premise that we really have to listen to pick up those nuances of our clients business and utilize their experience in marketing.
I hope you (yes, you the reader) will always consider hiring Raven5 and if not, at least try a digital agency to develop and deploy your online marketing and advertising programs.
Optify provides a digital marketing software suite for agencies and provided me a white paper titled “Top 10 Reasons To Hire A Digital Marketing Agency” and given the amount of data, information and materials available, it only makes sense to hire an agency, and if you need some reasons, here are TEN, and we could easily add TEN more.
1) Expertise – our team has it, writing, creative, development, reporting
2) Toolbox & Tools of the trade – we’ve tested hundreds
3) Perspective – there are times when you just can’t see the forest through the trees
4) Cost – the time and cost saving are in the speed of concept & development
5) Access – as I mentioned we have access to hundreds of industry feeds
6) Scalability – our team varies project to project staff up, staff down
7) Reporting – we measure and advise accordingly
8) Reliability – our team will focus on the task at hand based on the brief
9) Back up – your programs will reliably maintain milestones
10) Termination – chances are an agency will cost you less than a mid level marketer
Naturally there can be some challenges, but keep in mind the agency will provide you with far more knowledge, insight and effort than your own marketing department. The idea is that the team will be your team and will be eager to earn your business on a day-to-day basis.
Hire an agency as it means you’ll have more time to focus on your business and that is exactly what you need. The agency will be a complement to your efforts and provide an enormous amount of benefits, some seen and some unforeseen.
Michael Bickerton, Raven5 Ltd, Oakville, ON, April 2014
Michael Bickerton, April 2014