December 16, 2014 Michael Bickerton
Website magazine published a post titled “5 Heavyweights in the SEO Battle” which was extremely insightful for a variety of reasons on why SEO and Contest Marketing are such a heavenly match.
The article caught my eye – as all my readers know, we are about the fives, or the FIVE, or the 5, yet SEO is one of the toughest of digital pieces to master and the toughest to hold on to. There has been so much change with Google Search that in most cases we suggest to clients that SEO should be the last battle, as the work done is often redundant shortly there after.
As the article points out, there are over 200 various factors that affect your organic search results and each of those factors are ranked in order of importance. Some are relatively minor while other factors are significant. Here are the five significant factors that impact your organic web ranking and I’ll add a little insight regarding our contest marketing and the impact of a contest marketing program on the SEO factors.
- User Experience – This is measured using click-through rates, time on site, bounce rates and return visits. Our platform provides and contributes to all these measures as you are dealing with an engaged user (just check our reports here.)
- Social Signals – This is measured as Facebook shares & likes, Twitter as tweets and retweets, naturally Google+ and the +1 (PLUS 1), video embeds and syndication as well as social bookmarks. The RAVEN5 contest platform delivers on all of these areas as well, users like to share, our platform can provide additional entries for shares, new users, friend entrants and friend shares, simply a match.
- Brand Searches – This measure is easy, do users know your name, do they know what to expect when they enter your name in the search bar? Contest marketing is a perfect partner, driving consumers to your site at the time of hand off, the social sharing, the email communication and offline driver assist in building brand and awareness.
- Content Quantity and Quality – This measure is an extension of SEO factor #1. Content, valuable, informative and engaging content provides visitors, click-throughs, increased time on site, and returns to site. Contests assist as they impact most of these considerations (save the quantity). Be sure, good contests create lots of sharing, visits and engagement.
- Links – Organic search has continually treated links and link building as critical to your site’s ranking. Contest marketing is a perfect compliment (especially the annual programs) when many share, link, bookmark and embed links in email and social shares. As noted above, it’s a perfect match again.
My point here is simple, SEO, Social Media, Content & Blogging, PPC are all great ways to build your organic rank. However, when you want it all (yes you can have it all), then look to CONTEST MARKETING as an efficient and cost-effective way to build and develop your organic rank. Fact is that contest marketing is like finding that little bit of heaven for both consumers and marketers.
Michael Bickerton, Raven5 Ltd. December 2014
Full article CLICK HERE
Michael Bickerton, December 2014
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