Blogs > Engage Your Community
May 5, 2010 Michael Bickerton
There are a number of issues that need to be addressed as you begin your journey into building and engaging a new community. A few major questions; how much time are you willing to invest, how much information are you willing to give away, and what kind of experience are you hoping to provide?
All good questions, in reality, what you really need to do is get started and here are a few things you should implement.
1) Consistent – start gently, choose a simple focal point and start, easy really.
2) Name – use a standard name, associate it with your group and or company.
3) One picture – use it and stick with it.
4) Add Value – give the reader something, how about your personal insights.
5) Respond – quickly & honestly.
6) Be Personal – show your personality.
Funnily enough, its harder than you think, but the fact is people like people and like interactions with other people. So, show us … your name, your picture, your comments and show us that you are the kind of person that they can trust; do this by being consistent, by adding value and by responding honestly.
All good lessons for each us and more importantly, the larger your organization the harder it is to accomplish. Yet, we all remember Remington’s Victor Kiam “I liked the shaver so much, I bought the company.” My point; it can be done and you can do this as well.
Michael Bickerton, Raven5, May 2010
Michael Bickerton, May 2010