Blogs > Emarketing Resolutions
December 31, 2010 Michael Bickerton
Many of our readers don’t believe in New Year’s Resolutions, but then again many do … and I thought there is no better time than now to provide you with a reminder of the things that you should address this coming year.
As your digital advisor, I have some emarketing resolutions that will impact your life, personal and business. It will create both interest and fun, it has for me!
It’s a new world out there and the information explosion is real. It’s out of control and changing every day. The opportunities are endless, and you really need to see for yourself what is going on in the world. Fortune 500 companies have embraced emarketing and you and your company should as well!
Email, eblasts, social media, smart phones, cameras, videos and apps, you can add in websites, discount and location based technologies. Sharing is not new, but how we share is!
Here are the Emarketing Resolutions I’d suggest you embrace for 2011!
Day 1 – open & create your Facebook account (even your mother has one)
Day 2 – open & create your Twitter account (can’t tweet without one)
Day 3 – open & create your LinkedIn account (you need to work)
Day 4 – open & create your YouTube account (2 billion visits a day)
Day 5 – open & create your Flickr account (over 40 million users)
Day 6 – start a blog (eblogger, blogger and wordpress are all free)
Day 7 – dust off your digital camera & share some photos)
Day 8 – go out and buy a video camera (flip video cameras are inexpensive)
Day 9 – shoot some video and upload to YouTube or Vimeo
Day 10 – appreciate privacy is an old concept (so let loose a bit)
Day 11 – share, share, and share some more (thoughts, photo’s & video)
Day 12 – enjoy and explore the new world (it’s as real as Coke)
Oh, did I mention, Foursquare, or Places … and you can add a Smartphone to that shopping list, as location based services are all the rage. Just yesterday I saved 15% at American Eagle, just for checking in, everyone loves a deal!
The best thing about the change in technology is that it’s fast, easy and fun. As your digital agency we recommend you embrace the change. Remember it’s a new world out there and old school thinking is being left behind.
Embrace my Emarketing Resolutions, “checking in” is easy, besides you might surprise yourself. It’s an amazing world out there and it just keeps coming and keeps getting better and better.
Happy New Year!
Michael Bickerton, Raven5 Ltd, December 2010
Michael Bickerton, December 2010