Blogs > Online Video Goes Mainstream
June 13, 2010 Michael Bickerton
“This year, eMarketer estimates that 66.7% of US Internet users—147.5 million people—are watching video online each month. By 2014, that figure is forecast to rise to 77% of Internet users, or 193.1 million people. In the same period, online video advertising spending will surge from $1.4 billion to $5.2 billion” [read entire article]
Along with this trend, we have seen a dramatic increase of using web video clips to clearly communicate products and services on Corporate websites. We think the driving factors come down to two key issues:
The first is that the viewer/visitor is pressed for time and they just want “the bottom line”. Video has always been the strongest communication tool but the cost of production has limited its use to those with large marketing budgets.
The other key factor is that only recently has production come down in price such that even small companies can afford to use it. As with any major shift in technology, video is in the “buyer beware” stage – just because someone owns a camera and can use Final Cut Pro, does not mean they can create and produce communications that work. All too often we see video that is pretty but lacks “a point”. Be sure they can write. Be sure they are communication professionals who use video
In the hands of a great storyteller, video is a powerful tool.
Michael Bickerton, Raven5, May 2010
Michael Bickerton, June 2010