Blogs > Mobile Advertising on the Rise
April 26, 2013 Jaclyn Bickerton
The mobile advertising is on the rise. Apparnetly the market is growing much quicker than expected. Adweek had a great article called “Mobile Advertising Skyrocketed 111% Last Year” By Christopher Heine I’d like to share with you. It takes a look at the recent IAB report looking at digital ad revenue and mobile ad spend. Here is the simplified version.
During 2013, mobile advertising spend jumped 111% to $3.4 billion according to a report by the Interactive Advertising Bureau. Mobile advertising accounted for 9% of all digital ad revenue last year. This is the second year in a row that we see such a dramatic mobile growth, after seeing a 149% increase in 2011.
The study found also found that 2012 digital ad revenue overall hit $36.6 billion – a 15% increase compared to 2011’s $31.7 billion. Digital video also had a big year, making a 29% increase (2.3 billion total) over 2011. Search ad sales are up 14.5% totaling 16.9 billion compared to 2011. Display ads increased by 9% to $12 billion during 2012. Finally, retailers accounted for 20% of total internet advertising during 2012. Followed by the financial services category at 13%
Not only is the mobile advertising market growing, but we also see growth in digital ad revenue in general, and more specifically digital video, search advertising, and display ads. It’s our prediction that these numbers will continue to climb with 2013 and into 2014.
Jaclyn Bickerton, Social Media, Raven5 Ltd, Oakville and Toronto, Ontario, April 2013
Jaclyn Bickerton, April 2013