
Google Apps

Google Apps

Find out what it means to work in the cloud and how online tools can help you grow and promote your business more effectively. Learn about Google Apps for business, including Gmail, Google Calendar, Google Docs and Spreadsheets, Google Sites and Google Video. ...Read More

Social Media Here to Stay

Social Media Here to Stay

Glen Gilmore talks about social media, gamification and the Internet of Things. A Great video to give you a sense of things physical and virtual. ...Read More

Samsung’s Smart Window

Samsung’s Smart Window

An introduction of the Samsung Smart Window at CES 2012. Bickerton wants to keep you up to date and informed in changes impacting our emarketing world. ...Read More

u-Songs: Free Music Downloads

u-Songs: Free Music Downloads

Bickerton introduces iab member u-Songs Inc a new way for you to increase the ROI on your ad campaigns, true one to one marketing. As a user, basically your view ads to your interest areas and get legal and FREE music downloads. A unique concept in a changing emarketing world. ...Read More

The Social Media Revolution 2012

The Social Media Revolution 2012

A must see as the social media revolution continues. Change and transition are real and continuing at unprecedented pace. In fact, it's right here, right now. Bickerton suggests you share this video with your team and marketing groups. ...Read More

Going Digital for Non-Profits

Super video for anyone in the charitable or non-profits segment. Bickerton advises that the socialmc2 program is a great place to start building your email list and social media friend, fans and followers. The video gives everyone a sense of the commitment required by conventional and charitable firms equally. ...Read More

5 Types of Facebook Promotions

5 Types of Facebook Promotions

Facebook is the perfect venue to run promotions that help businesses interact with their fans. Jason Werowinski describes the different types of promotions (including some that can get you banned from Facebook), explains what fangating is and shows you his 5 best Facebook promotions. ...Read More

Amber Plaster – Raven5 Highlighed at 4.18

Amber Plaster – Raven5 Highlighed at 4.18

Amber Plaster of I wear you shirt fame is highlighted in her annual montage, and at 4.18 of the video, you'll see Toronto's Digital Agency, Raven5 highlighted. ...Read More

Catvertising – Raven5’s New Offering

Catvertising – Raven5’s New Offering

Bickerton introduces Catvertising in order to ensure your clients have access to our full suite of services. Catvertising may replace emarketing, social sharing and may even replace Google AdWords as the mainstay of advertising today. ...Read More

Ask Bick’s Privacy & Social Media

Ask Bick’s Privacy & Social Media

Bickerton discusses issues related to privacy and concerns from the privacy commissioner. Bickerton suggests that privacy is the price of admission for the social media ride. ...Read More

Do A Barrel Roll – Google Fun

Do A Barrel Roll – Google Fun

Do a barrel roll is Google fun and now Bickerton shares this video. Everybody stay alert and do a barrel roll! ...Read More

Steve Jobs – Stay Hungry Stay Foolish

Steve Jobs – Stay Hungry Stay Foolish

Steve Jobs is likely the most influential person in the last 50 years, Raven5 would like to share with you his 2005 Stanford Commencement Address. Truly touching, memorable and significant. ...Read More