
Pinterest for Marketers

Pinterest for Marketers

I have to preface this post, as it seems natural that should our team promote something, like a platform, or... ...Read More

Google Places

Google Places

Google, you know the name, but do you really know the company? Did you know that Google controls more than... ...Read More

Why Use Facebook?

Why Use Facebook?

It’s a good question for sure. Why use Facebook? Especially given the time required to maintain and communicate with the... ...Read More

Social Thoughts 2015

Social Thoughts 2015

The Social Media Manager at Emarsys presented a SlideShare piece titled “130 Stats about the 7 Social Media Trends Dominating... ...Read More

Social Revolution

Social Revolution

Social has replaced a few things such as photo albums, diaries, white pages, yellow pages, classifieds, collaging, telephones, intercom, pagers,... ...Read More

Social Advertising Trends

Social Advertising Trends

Social media has changed the landscape for many business models. Why should marketers care about social media? Social continues to... ...Read More

How Popular is YouTube?

How Popular is YouTube?

How Popular is YouYube? I recently came across another great article by eMarketer called “Just How Popular is YouTube?” The... ...Read More