
Legal Considerations When Running a Consumer Promotion

Legal Considerations When Running a Consumer Promotion

We’re at the part everyone can agree is just a pain, the law… yeah unfortunately it also has an important... ...Read More

What Do I Need To Run a Consumer Promotion?

What Do I Need To Run a Consumer Promotion?

This section is easy, what you need is RAVEN5 of course! Ok ok, we’re kidding, kinda (but not really, let... ...Read More

When Should I Run a Consumer Promotion?

When Should I Run a Consumer Promotion?

This is our favourite question to answer, you can quite literally run a consumer promotion WHENEVER YOU WANT TO! The... ...Read More

Small Business Tactics For Consumer Promotions

Small Business Tactics For Consumer Promotions

We’d like to start this section by saying congratulations on your new business! It’s an exciting journey you’re embarking on,... ...Read More

Categorizing Your Customers Through Consumer Promotions

Categorizing Your Customers Through Consumer Promotions

Creating, launching, and running a consumer promotion can be well… stressful to say the least; trust us when we say... ...Read More

Turning New Customers Into Returning Customers Using Consumer Promotions

Turning New Customers Into Returning Customers Using Consumer Promotions

We touched on this topic previously in attracting new customers, but we will go more in-depth into keeping those new... ...Read More

Attracting New Customers Using Consumer Promotions

Attracting New Customers Using Consumer Promotions

This type of promotion may have a lot of added pressure to it, but this is the time to really... ...Read More

Types of Coupons To Use During a Consumer Promotion (and when to use them)

Types of Coupons To Use During a Consumer Promotion (and when to use them)

This one is so fun to plan out, if you enjoy planning and data that is; if that's not your... ...Read More

Incorporating Texting in a Consumer Promotion (and why should I)

Incorporating Texting in a Consumer Promotion (and why should I)

Is texting still a good thing to incorporate into a consumer promotion? The short answer is of course it is,... ...Read More

Gathering Emails With a Consumer Promotion (and why do I need them)

Gathering Emails With a Consumer Promotion (and why do I need them)

The same way that having a phone number for your consumers is beneficial, an email address is even better! Think... ...Read More

What Do Anxiety and Hope Have To Do With New Products?

What Do Anxiety and Hope Have To Do With New Products?

As a brand, the launch of a new product can be both exciting and stressful. You and your team spent... ...Read More

Sweepstakes, Contests and TikTok

Sweepstakes, Contests and TikTok

TikTok recently posted advertising guidelines for the US and EU, which don’t give a lot of guidance about contest guidelines,... ...Read More

Get In The Know – Influencer Marketing

Get In The Know – Influencer Marketing

In late 2019, the online marketing scene is constantly becoming more saturated by traditional marketing tactics we have all over... ...Read More

Amazon Influencer Program

Amazon Influencer Program

The Amazon Influencer Program was created in 2017, building on Amazon's Affiliate Program. To join Amazon's Affiliate Program, you only... ...Read More

Using Contests and Sweepstakes to Drive Engagement

Using Contests and Sweepstakes to Drive Engagement

Being a marketer, you’re always striving for ways to broaden your audience while generating leads, and essentially converting those leads... ...Read More