Customized Site Flow

This is the ultimate in customization, any of the steps can be subbed in and out and if they don’t exist yet, they can be created based on your ideas and requirements. The following is an example.



Typical drivers are email and social media but can be driven through typical ad channels.


Account Login / Registration

An account management system and dashboard can be included to allow user registration with a login/password.



Standard inputs are name, email, year of birth, gender and postal/zip code. A checkbox for agreement with the rules and privacy is also included.



Include a one time survey or multiple ongoing surveys. Can also include custom text inputs, multiple choice and dynamic questions.



Our social sharing technology allows the contest to be easily shared via one click to any social media networks or via email address.


Email Auto-Responder

An email auto-responder will deploy upon sign up and can include any additional information and links as required. It can also be deployed when utilizing a pin code process.


Pin Code / Instant Win Notification

A pin code and instant win process can be included utilizing custom made pin codes either supplied or created to specific sizes and combinations.


Pin Code / Redemption

Upon notification of the eligibility of an instant win the user can complete an online form and submit in a single step to have their winnings processed.


Thank You

The thank you or exit page can drive traffic to a website, landing page or social media. If any coupons are chosen, there will be an option to print.