Blogs > Too Much Noise!
June 28, 2010 Michael Bickerton
Seems that I keep coming across a message that says in one way, shape or form, we as customers and prospects are harder to reach … and based upon my own personal circumstances it’s quite true. According to what I read recently, marketing isn’t working the way it used to, the old rules aren’t working. In addition, the delivery methods aren’t working either … a bit scary really. Change, change, and more change …
This video gives you an example of what the current marketing noise sounds like. You can hear the noise but not one individual message. There is too much noise!
Marketing to the niche is now the issue, not meeting basic needs but meeting specific needs. As an example, everyone used to have a bicycle, but not everyone needs a racing bicycle that weights 12 lbs and cost $5000.00 … my point, is the most basic of products have now become quite complicated. The result is that your market is now a niche market and is not longer reachable cost effectively by mass media. Now we talk about targeting your message to people that might want your product. Not want your product (as meeting a need), but who might want your product (as meeting a want) … a very different problem. The fact is that mass media provided a service and met a need … but that’s not the case today, at least for a large segment of the advertisers.
Customers and prospects are blasted with messages, radio, television, newspaper, magazine, mail, leaflets, flyers, booklets there is information everywhere … and in the last few years online, banner ads, email ads, Facebook ads and Google ads. It seems that there is way too much of all advertising and information. Consumers are just ignoring ads, doesn’t matter where they are placed, they are being ignored. It is just too much noise; offline, online, any line, just plain too much noise.
The challenge and the opportunity lie in permission based media. As your digital agency we recommend you build your databases, you build them with permission on your website, on your blast emails as well using conventional methods like in store ballots and coupons.
You have to make noise, you have to tell your story, so, you need to to be sure you’ve built a community … it takes time, it takes effort, but it is the only choice you have for cost-effective marketing solutions.
Michael Bickerton, Raven5 Ltd, June 2010
Michael Bickerton, June 2010