Blogs > Social Media – Knock Out
December 20, 2013 Michael Bickerton
I’ve got even more valuable information from the HubSpot report “Lead Generation Lessons from 4,000 Businesses” to share. Here’s the recap on:
Social Media, Reach, & Traffic
Here’s some great material and insight for you, give these stats some consideration.
Twitter you say? Businesses with between 301 to 1,000 followers have 5x (FIVE) more traffic than those with 25 or less followers, and businesses with over 1,000 followers have 6x (SIX) more traffic than those with 25 or less followers. Those same groups have 4x (FOUR) more leads and 5x (FIVE) more leads respectively.
More Twitter? Businesses with between 301 and 1,000 followers have 4x (FOUR) more leads than those with 25 or less followers, and businesses with over 1,000 followers have 5x (FIVE) more leads. This stat conveys both B2B and B2C, but a staggering 10x (TEN) more leads when businesses have over 1,000 followers’ verses those with 25 or less followers.
Twitter clearly delivers traffic & leads. What’s your data tell you?
Facebook anyone? Traffic stats, businesses with 501 to 1,000 FB fans have 3.5x (THREE & ONE HALF) more traffic than those with 25 fans or less, and those with over 1,000 FB fans have a whopping 22x (TWENTY-TWO) more traffic than those with 25 fans or less.
More Facebook, leads you say. Businesses with 501 to 1,000 FB fans have 4x (FOUR) more leads than those with 25 fans or less, and businesses with over 1,000 FB fans have 12x (TWELVE) more leads than businesses with 25 fans or less. This applies to both B2B and B2C, as B2B businesses got 6.5x (SIX & ONE HALF) more leads and B2C with over 1,000 FB fans got 16x (SIXTEEEN) more leads than those businesses with 25 or less fans.
Traffic, reach and social media go hand in hand. Clearly, HubSpot’s data shows that irrespective of your business type, increasing your Twitter followers and your Facebook fans will increase traffic and leads.
Social media packs a punch, so get your social on.
Michael Bickerton, Raven5 Ltd., Oakville, Ontario, December 2013
Michael Bickerton, December 2013