October 6, 2015 Jesse Bickerton
As I’ve mentioned before, social media and online contests work great together. It’s a great way to not only keep your current followers or fans excited about you and your business, but it’s also an amazing way to get new people interested in your brand. Here’s a good start of what you need to consider when putting your contest on social media…
What site will you choose?
- Keep in mind each site will have it’s own set of rules to follow, therefore increasing your responsibilities to keep the rules legal.
How will people enter your contest?
- Sweepstakes?
- Connect? (Like/Follow a Page)
- Like a post?
- Share a picture?
- Do a Survey?
- Vote for a favourite?
- Create and submit?
**Keep in mind – the more your entry requirements, the lower your participation!
What is your Theme?
- The theme of your contest can be related to almost anything and will dictate a lot about your contest. Keep in mind what you and your business want to achieve! This is a major step. This also includes what graphics you’ll include and the name you’ll use to promote.
When does it end?
- When do you want to close entries? When do you want to announce prizes? Choose your end date and plan out your contest milestones.
What is the prize?
- A prize is usually central to any contest. The trick is settling on a prize which will entice people who are interested in your business, and not just looking for prizes.
Who can enter?
- Contest rules are important! Remember, you don’t want to hurt you or your reputation, so make sure you follow not only website rules, but also Canadian law. Here’s some things to consider from the Globe and Mail to avoid Running Afoul of the Law.
Be creative. Be engaging. Be fun. Social media contests can be really exciting for people, and you can use that to help your business. Check out why Social Media and Contests are A Perfect Fit and here’s some tips that Marketers Should Know.
We are RAVEN5 are #ContestMarketing – check us out if you want to run a great social media contest. Perhaps even check out “The Contest Contest” – a great example of how we do things as the World’s First Contest Marketing Agency.
Jesse Bickerton, RAVEN5, October 2015
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