Blogs > Short on time? 5 ways to produce great content
April 7, 2014 Patricia Ferreria
Content, Content, Content. You make us all stressed out. Sometimes I just want to pull my hair out when I think about it. How can we get good content with so very little time on our hands? *sighs in relief* Thank God you came here! We have some great tips that will help you produce great content if you’re a busy bee.
A great way to create great content is to get inspiration from other blogs, just make sure you are citing them when you use some of their content. An article titled “ 6 Great ways to create content when you’re short on time” they believe using someone else’s blog for inspiration is a great way to build content and if you find ideas that helps support your idea it’s great to cite someone else’s opinion as well. Keeping your content short and sweet is the key so they say.
Utilizing strong images or video is also a good way to help you build content among regular visitors to your site. Make sure when you use an image for content that you’re not using a stock image. They don’t usually garner attention like more authentic looking photos.
If you’re trying to make your content more interesting make sure you leave room for some social. Of course we can’t leave out social, it’s like the icing to your content cake! If you’re active on any social networks, you can get all that content and place it on your own company website.
If you have happy customers don’t be afraid to brag about it to everyone else. These people are advocates for your brand; they know you and how you work so it’s absolutely essential to have people that can speak up about your product or service. This will convince others that you are legit. It is also easy to ask someone to refer you and painless to add to your website.
Make a round. Think about other interests your consumers or audience might have. They may be interested in fashion, food, yoga etc., so collect all the latest news from these different places and keep your consumers updated in all these different areas.
With all this content material you’ll be making a killing and will be sure to expand your following online.
Patricia Ferreira, Raven5 Ltd, Oakville, Ontario April 2014.
Patricia Ferreria, April 2014