Blogs > Reasons to Run an Online Contest
October 6, 2015 Jesse Bickerton
We at RAVEN5, the World’s First Contest Marketing Agency, have a lot of reasons why you as a business owner should run an online contest. There simply is no better way for you to further your marketing goals than running a sweepstakes, promotion or contest. Here are some reasons to run an online contest:
Contests are Easy to Set Up and Inexpensive
Contests can grow your Email List and Collect Information
Contests Engage Customers and can provide Creative Content
Contests are Easy to Promote and Increase Brand Recognition
The better question is, why aren’t you running a contest already? If you want some more information, check out Why Marketers Run Contests, 10 Reasons Why You Should Use Contests, and some tips on how to keep it legal to Avoid Running Afoul of the Law. Remember, we at RAVEN5 are #ContestMarketing – thanks for reading!
Jesse Bickerton, RAVEN5, October 2015
Jesse Bickerton, October 2015