Blogs > Online Contests? What’s that?
September 3, 2015 Jesse Bickerton
Today, I want to talk about what we at RAVEN5 do quite well… Running online contests. By now, you should know that’s what we specialize in. So here are some basics on why you should consider running an online contest!
First of all, there are two different types of online contests that you can run. Simply put, a sweepstake or giveaway is one type where the winner is chosen from the pool of qualified entrants (more on that in a second) and chosen for the prize or prizes. The second, and honestly more interesting one, is a competition where a winner is chosen by getting the most votes, or being judged by some list of criteria.
Social media has changed the way companies run contests. The way to generate a great amount of excitement towards your brand can be as easy as running a photo or video contest – not only encouraging people to share and get your brand out to their networks, but also to receive a little positive light from the act of making your contest fun or exciting.
Here at RAVEN5, we believe a good contest can benefit from having a giveaway and competition component. For example, one of our current contests we have running for the Craft Beer Zone is “Game of Beers” – which encourages sharing through a voting system and prizes for the most shares. You can check it out and enter (if you’re a Canadian, residing outside of Quebec, that has reached legal drinking age… if that’s a mouthful, consider that you shouldn’t Run Afoul of the Law with an online contest) – check out Game of Beers.
If you want to learn more about online contests, check out the Globe and Mail’s article on Contests and Contest Marketing here with Want to Rope in Customers? Also, I tend to write a lot about contest marketing here at RAVEN5, so read about why Contest Marketing is a Win-Win here and here’s another article from Raven5 about What all Marketers Should Know.
Thanks for reading! Remember, here at RAVEN5, we are #ContestMarketing – check us out today if you want to see what a contest can do for you.
Jesse Bickerton, RAVEN5, September 2015
Jesse Bickerton, September 2015