Blogs > More of Everything
July 19, 2010 Michael Bickerton
What’s worth taking note, during this change of cultures (the Internet culture) is that we are now in a world that we are always on, always connected, always involved. Those born after 1990 have been raised with the Internet and expect and accept it as part of their existence.
Don Tapscott, has written extensively on this phenomenon, in Wikinomics and Growing up Digital. This age of Internet culture is referred to as “Digital Natives”. I came across the thought recently, which my age, now referred to as “Digital Immigrants” have to unlearn more things than we have to learn. Some very interesting and thought provoking concepts.
Since there are few barriers to Internet usage today, and almost everyone has access, we need to recognize that most of us are online and establishing new patterns and processes. Consider, that there is good and bad in everything, but more importantly, there is MORE of everything. We need to embrace the concept of more.
When consulting your digital agency, ensure that you are using these newfound capabilities, by being more meaningful, more relevant, and more accessible.
Michael Bickerton, Raven5 Ltd, July 2010
Michael Bickerton, July 2010