Blogs > Social Media – Marketing Alchemy
July 4, 2010 Derek Lackey
More social tactics will boost e-mail efforts
Combining the forces of social media with e-mail marketing has been under way for some time, with savvy marketers using the two channels to complement each other rather than compete. As companies gain experience in the area, their choice of tactics may change.
A survey of small businesses by e-mail marketing company AWeber found the most common tactics implemented last year were tweeting e-mail newsletters and sending out blog entries to e-mail lists. Fewer than four in 10 small businesses were engaging in those activities, and only about one-quarter had e-mail sign-up forms on their social profiles or links within e-mail messages to follow them on social sites.
There are hundreds of effective marketing tools arising in the Digital space and smart marketers are beginning to combine them in ways that work. We just added social sharing to an email offer generating over 200% response! But we didn’t stop there. By layering another social sharing platform and an effective Facebook Ad campaign directing traffic back the campaign landing page, we increased another 300% for a total of 500% response to a simple email offer. The original list was 3,057 opt-in names. The responses exceeded 15,800. And we added almost 1,000 new opt-in names to the original list.
So it is not about a single tool. It’s about effectively combining the right ones to generate more and more response. Hang on to your hat! This ride is just beginning.
Derek Lackey, Raven5 Ltd, July 2010
Derek Lackey, July 2010