Blogs > Get More Email Signups to Your Contest Landing Page
August 28, 2020 Vanessa Niragira
Are you having trouble getting more email opt-ins with your sweepstakes or contest? Can’t figure out what the problem is? Well, we as The World’s First Sweepstakes Marketing Agency can give you some potential reasons and hopefully provide you with some answers to your questions!
The right incentive is key to getting more email signups! You have to remember that people are doing you a favour by providing their email, so make sure they have a good reason to do so! To have the right incentive you really need to know your consumers; who are they? What are their interests? What would they want? As well, make sure that your incentive fits in with your brand, it doesn’t really make sense to offer an incentive that has no connection to your brand.
This is where you use all that you have, no matter how big or small, it all helps. Stop and think, does your website have a lot of traffic? Even if you answered no, use that by promoting your contest with a website banner! Do you already have an email list started? Great, use that as well! These are people that have already engaged with your brand enough to give you a way to reach them, so don’t be afraid to use this to your advantage! Lastly, how’s your social following? Again, even if it hasn’t taken off just yet use what you’ve got! The people currently following you made a choice to keep up to date on your brand, let them know what’s happening! If you’re lucky, they’ll share your content with their like-minded friends.
Circling back to your consumers doing you a favour; remember that people are busy, and don’t have the time to or simply don’t want to fill out an entire page giving away their information. Try to keep it to a maximum of 3 fields – we strongly encourage you to ask for their names along with their email address.
This is where you showcase the prize that they have a chance to win, using an image. Don’t leave any mystery, once you’ve chosen the perfect prize let it be seen! Interestingly enough, a video may be even better if the prize is a physical item; you can unbox and show it off from different angles. If your prize is an experience or a trip of sorts, capture how the winner will feel once they’ve won and build up that excitement!
Because your entrants have to wait until you announce a winner, offering a small mini prize just for entering (coupons, early access, etc) will hold them over until that day comes. Not to mention this will also attract the pessimists that don’t enter contests/sweepstakes because they don’t think they’ll win; in this instance, everyone is a partial winner!
Would you like to learn more about contest considerations? Click Here, or how the use of contests and sweepstakes drive engagement? Click Here.
Vanessa Niragira, Oakville, Ontario, Aug 2020
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Vanessa Niragira, August 2020