Blogs > Everything is Public
June 23, 2010 Michael Bickerton
Seems that in this new era, that many refer to as the “Google age”, being public (open) is now the sign of the times. Everything is public.
We now live in glass houses, work in glass offices, have GPS systems that let people find us 24 hours a day. If you look to Yelp, or to Foursquare you’ll be amazed at the technology, and if you’re not … well, let’s just say you should be. Facebook, Twitter even Linkedin allow people or at least allow friends and followers to see (literally, as there are pictures as well) what you are doing, who you are doing it with, where you are doing it and how you are reacting to things that are happening day to day. As well, these sites allow you to make suggestions, talk to friends, and interact, literally you can be found anytime … your life is public, your business is public, in fact almost everything is public.
There is a good side to all of this, living in public today allows you to be found, your business to be found, and by participating online, in social networks, you increase the opportunities that can be offered to you via your social network. I’ve spoken prior about privacy and this is the flip side, publicness is here to stay, the more public you are the more opportunities that come your way.
Being public, being open allows you to form a community, and community allows you to form relationships, and relationships are the cornerstone of life.
Something to consider the next time you are missed or left out and someone says to you, “Oh, I should have called”. Being public is a decision, both personally and professionally.
Michael Bickerton, Raven5 Ltd, June 2010
Michael Bickerton, June 2010