Blogs > Digital Footprint
June 8, 2010 Michael Bickerton
How do you communicate your story about you and or your business to the world? You do this by building your personal brand.
It’s not an easy answer, because everything changes so quickly, but there is a new opportunity out there for you and your business to grow. The world is getting smaller and the amount of content is increasing a daily basis. People are out there blogging, podcasting, producing video, sharing pictures, the web has allowed us, that’s right you and I to connect to millions.
Due to this connection, it’s become apparent, that everyone needs to begin a process of leaving a digital footprint, and build a personal brand. Each of us has the opportunity in an online world to say what we feel needs to be said. There are many reasons to nurture personal brand building, firstly to add value to our lives, secondly, to make more personal connections, thirdly, to build business connections, and finally to build community connections. Building your personal brand allows you to connect and interact with the world on issues that are related directly to you and to your interests.
As your brand grows and develops, you will have the opportunity to pass on your knowledge to the world. As well, you can assist others, and as noted increase your connections on many levels. Your brand allows you pass on information to others, about what you stand for, what you do, how you can help, but it also helps you understand and put into perspective what you are all about.
Today you can be sure that someone is “checking you out”, somewhere out there, facebook, google & your website. By building your personal brand you can begin to set that digital footprint. How do you begin? It’s relatively easy, start with Linkedin, Facebook, Twitter … and then start to blog, on your website, and then again with Technorati, you can set up your own blog on WordPress or Blogger. But it is time to get started … hey maybe even post a video!
Traditionally, we had been told to keep our names and identities private. However, the opportunities presented by building a personal brand in an online world far outweigh the risks. This is the start of a shift that is going to continue to grow, and it’s time for you to embrace your personal brand and build your digital footprint, it will be created with or without your input.
Michael Bickerton, Raven5 Ltd, June 2010
Michael Bickerton, June 2010