Blogs > Contests and Community
May 6, 2015 Jesse Bickerton
Do you want to get your name out there? Do you want to tell potential customers what makes you different, and how do you stand out in your industry? Do you want to increase your reach and following? Regardless if you’re a retailer, small business owner, brand manager or marketer, a contest or sweepstakes provides a unique opportunity to build and expand your community.
The reason contests are so attractive is that, no matter your industry, whether you’re a business or organization, you and your brand can benefit many ways from a properly managed contest. Contests and contest marketing can help you:
With all of these benefits, why not run a contest? A successful contest is an offer that resonates with your current clients, while also providing prospects with something interesting to get some buzz generated. Combining a properly managed contest with your existing email or social marketing programs can help boost overall traffic and generate leads toward conversions.
If you’re interested in some stats, check out Contest Marketing & Lead Generation, or you can check out Contest Marketing Basics, which also provides a great resource if you’re interested in running your own contest.
We at Raven5 are a team dedicated to all things contests and contest marketing related. We work with businesses and organizations, to design the most effective and engaging contests for you and your brand. We will get to know your business, get to know your goals, and work with you to deliver meaningful and sustainable results. Build your brand and grow your community with contest marketing!
So what are you waiting for? Check out our work here. We are #ContestMarketing.
Jesse Bickerton, Raven5, May 2015
Jesse Bickerton, May 2015