Blogs > Content marketing in 7 steps
August 14, 2014 Patricia Ferreria
If you’re just starting to figure out what your marketing strategy should be for your company, we have 7 great tips that will help you get well on your way to success. Following these tips will help give you the knowledge required to bring your small business into the limelight. These seven steps have also been outlined in “7 Tips for starting a content marketing strategy”. Here’s content marketing in 7 steps:
1. Tailor to the people
This is what your ideal client should be like. Your target market represents the people who will use and need your services the most. This step is absolutely crucial to your marketing strategy and is also the very function within your organization.
It is extremely important to separate your ideal client because you want to be able to cater to these different people. This will allow your content to be distributed accordingly and will allow you to tailor your social posting to your clients’ needs.
The main reason to do this is to ensure that the right people are finding the information they need. This helps to increase engagement and helps build a loyal audience. This will ultimately create lead conversions.
2. This is an investment
Content marketing is far from a piece of cake. It takes a lot of hard work and dedication. After all folks, Rome wasn’t built in a day. Just keep reminding yourself that each blog post will get you one step closer to your goal. As long as you are constantly posting interesting, creative, and even helpful content you are in a good place. Eventually, things will start to pick up for you and all those marketing efforts will have become well worth it.
3. Who said it had to be written?
Many people think of content marketing and think they have to write it all. I’m here to say that’s not true at all. Content is what you make it to be. Content can be anything. It can be a cool video that relates to what you’re promoting, pictures that have to do with the lifestyle or mood you are trying to convey to an audience or it could be a podcast. The sky is the limit with content. Pick a couple of things that work for you and will best suit your audience.
4. Quality over everything
You may wonder how many blog posts you should be posting per week. It’s quite simple; it’s not about how many blogs you should write it’s about the quality of those blog posts. You do not want to post just for the sake of posting. Post at least three great articles per week that pertain to your services, products or even general interests, consumers love to get to know their brand and what they stand for.
5. Organizational efforts
It’s probably one of the most useful pieces of information that you will learn from reading this post. You want people who work for you to be excited and buy into a “culture of content”. This will get your marketing executives pumped up for your marketing team’s efforts.
This is probably one of the toughest things to do, but it is absolutely essential for your company.
6. Writing is not the only battle you face
If you thought writing content was hard, promoting is another battle you’ll have to divide and conquer. You need to display links on various social platforms to drive people to your blog.
Also, having a plan of action for promoting your content can prove to be very useful to you. This is critical because after all, you spent so much time creating this content you don’t want it to get overlooked by potential readers.
7. Recycle
Think of ways you can reuse content you already possess. For example, here at Raven5, we made a CASL (Canadian Anti-Spam Legislation) presentation to pitch to clients to assist them in becoming CASL compliant. We can now use the link to this presentation whenever we talk about CASL in our blogs, vlogs, proposals, etc. We have also made it a point to encourage businesses to become CASL compliant, so we’ve created a social posting schedule around this presentation as well.
Hopefully, the tips discussed in the article have been helpful. If you’re looking for information and tips to become CASL compliant, please visit this page.
Patricia Ferreira, Raven5 Ltd., Oakville, ON, July 2014
Patricia Ferreria, August 2014