Blogs > What’s your family – oops, I mean BUSINESS style?
May 24, 2010 Suzette Jones
Working for a large corporation is a lot like belonging to a family. You know your role, the rules and the punishments. The upper management serves as the parents and the middle management your older brother or sister (yea – they think they’re the real boss… or least they like to throw their weight around). You might not always like the situation, but at least you know what’s expected of you. When you wake up in the morning, you know what to do. Functional or Dysfunctional… you know what to expect.
What about the entrepreneur? There’s no ‘family’ structure dictating the rules. There’s a blank sheet of paper waiting to be filled every morning. And it’s YOUR job to decide what to put down. What if you get writer’s block? What if there’s SO much to do that you freeze – a deer in the proverbial headlights.
Guess what! You’ve just created your own business ‘family’ and YOU’RE the parent! These are your rules now… make them Functional!
Suzette Jones, Raven5 Ltd, May 2010
Suzette Jones, May 2010