Blogs > After-sex selfies- Are they a yay or nay?
April 4, 2014 Patricia Ferreria
Yeah guys it’s exactly what you think it is, a selfie with your partner after engaging in sexual activity, but is it too much to handle and do we even want to see it? Does everyone want to know that you’ve just had sex with your boyfriend or girlfriend, or a random person? Probably not, but it has been making the rounds on social media networks Instagram and Twitter. This may have some people questioning whether or not sex is intimate anymore. Sex is an act that stays between you and your partner, something you can talk about and share with friends behind closed doors. What about the after-sex selfie?
It’s astounding that this is what people are using social media for nowadays, but is it actually? The article “After-sex selfies make intimate moments public” states that more than 80% of people aged 18-44 sleep with their phones in their rooms, but that still doesn’t explain the need to document every moment of their sex lives. It just makes me think, are you doing this for a photo op or to show everyone else you’re having sex? Chances are the sex isn’t that good if you’re so adamant on sharing it, but that’s just my opinion. I mean you’re not actually going to frame this picture and place it on a mantle for your parents or kids to see, but you might as well be if you’re sharing it over social media. One thing we can take away from this is that these people are social media crazy and it’s good for us marketers.
Instead of reaching for the phone immediately after you’ve finished, why aren’t we engaging in a conversation with our partner or partners (if you’re a little promiscuous)? How can we as marketers take advantage of our consumers’ openness to sharing? The answer is sharing something too. Sharing content and information over social media is growing. Sharing something with your consumers or offering advice on your service or product will benefit you in the long run because chances are they will feel compelled to share your content and share some personal experiences with you and others in their network.
This trend is just proof of how much social media has been able to influence consumers. Marketers should be looking at this as an opportunity to pounce on consumer prey because these people are willing to share anything with you including their sex lives. How can you make your product or service is engaging like this trend? It’s simple. Always keep yourself relevant and interesting because if you do you will always reap the rewards.
People are open nowadays to sharing something personal; it’s proven through the “after-sex selfie” trend. If people are willing to share something so intimate with the rest of the world what makes you think they won’t share interesting and smart content that you are willing to provide?
I know I made it seem like “after-sex selfies” are scandalous and too intimate to share with the world, but as marketers we need to look at this for what it is, it’s people sharing their life, personal moments, and it gives us insight that we would never have access to if we didn’t have this thing called social media. We document everything nowadays including sex, it’s kind of weird, but I guess that’s the generation we live in now, and maybe it’s not so bad for us marketers.
Lesson learned: Be just as open as the people in these “after-sex selfies.”
Patricia Ferreira, Raven5 Ltd, Oakville, Ontario April 2014.
Patricia Ferreria, April 2014